New Version Uploaded!

Update No. 1 

The latest changes now include a life system and a Game Over page, creating a defined game loop. 

Okay, so there are still only 3 levels, but it's still early days.

"But  what else has been going on?" I hear you ask.
I've been working on some enemies. Well, I say I have, but my 8-year-old son has been designing enemies and levels. I would never have thought of lava. He did. So lava will probably feature at some point in the game. He also came up with the idea of our rocket having (or maybe finding/being rewarded with) a gun, so it can shoot buttons (and bad guys) to reveal otherwise hidden areas.
All good stuff, once I learn how to do it. 

I've been busy in Blender, taking the rough sketches of an 8-year-old and trying to convert them into game objects and will be uploading a video shortly. I'll be honest, I'm having a spot of bother with rotating a gun turret on a tank, but I'll get there, I'm sure.

Well that's about it for now. Enjoy the update. More soon.



Rocket Play in browser
Aug 10, 2020

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