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Rocket Rumble
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It's been a while...
October 31, 2021
Smart As...
#Update, #New Level, #Music, #Warp
It's been a while since I last posted. Can't believe how time has flown. Anyway, I've uploaded a new version of Rocket Rumble! Since the last post I've mainly been learning new things on Udemy. Music...
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New Menu and Level 6 coming soon.
April 15, 2021
Smart As...
It's been a while since I updated Rocket Rumble. Development has stalled a little as I've been focussing on the Unity development courses I'm enrolled in (Along with the day job and family life). Howe...
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No More Stupid Spinning Block, Cheat Keys & Is Level 5 Too Easy?
October 23, 2020
Smart As...
Yay! The spinning block on level 5 has been replaced by a Space Proximity Mine. Don't spend too much time being close to this bad boy or it's kaboom! Also, as I'm nice and this is a work in progress...
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Space Mine Finished
October 12, 2020
Smart As...
Made some changes to the Space Mine. Added particle system to the end of each tube, then line renders between the tubes. A large box collider will start a stopwatch when the player enters the trigger...
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Level 5 is Live
October 11, 2020
Smart As...
Level 5 is complete and live! But I've just noticed a new bug where the best time isn't being displayed when beaten! Time to hunt it down...
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How's it going?
October 02, 2020
Smart As...
It's been a while since my last development video, so I thought I'd share the latest changes to Rocket Rumble. First up, guns. The ship can now shoot things and things blow up! Those enemy emplacemen...
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Blowing Stuff Up
August 31, 2020
Smart As...
Been working on adding some firepower to the ship. This will probably be a power-up in a future set of levels...
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New Level and Lots of Under-the-Covers Gubbins
August 23, 2020
Smart As...
#update, #new level
Level 4 is Here (on browser version, at least!) Not a massive update, and only for the webGL version at the moment. Lots of things going on in the background to make things easier for me going forward...
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Rocket Rumble Prototype for Android!
August 19, 2020
Smart As...
#update, #Android
It's here Rocket Rumble Prototype for Android is now here! Download the apk and give it a go! A few cosmetic changes as well...
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Meet the Locals
August 14, 2020
Smart As...
A look at some of the early designs for bad guys. This has now got me thinking about the rocket design. Should I go for a more block-like style for the rocket too? Maybe make the whole game style look...
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New Version Uploaded!
August 10, 2020
Smart As...
Update No. 1 The latest changes now include a life system and a Game Over page, creating a defined game loop. Okay, so there are still only 3 levels, but it's still early days. "But what else has b...
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